The Thinking of a Creation

I have been using the cat as a hook for my discussions of the questions that are being asked and answered either deliberately or within the process of creating. More so as the cat is exploring and watching, calculating and responding, testing and pushing the environments in which it lives. We are working through these processes when we create. I truly believe that we do this regardless of the creation. What is important is discovering how you create and then stretching yourself beyond these limits.

I find people saying things like:

“I am a right brained learner or a left brained learner.”
“I prefer to have picture supports.”
“I don’t think that way, I need more details.”
“I want to talk things out.”
“Just tell me what you want.”
“I need a list.”

Now all of those statements, and more, are valid. The important part is to NOT let them limit you or bog you down. Turn them into assets to hone the project you are working on. Discover what you need to use to flush out your ideas. This will guide you in your process of answering the questions that apply to your creation from making muffins to designing a new world.

I love the discussions about right brained versus left brained thinkers. Most also tie this into male versus female. There is also some baseline validity surrounding the information (Maybe not with the application of it.). My difficulty is that instead of using this information as an asset, it is used as an explanation of inability or of not doing something. As in any time or age we need to know “thyself” to capitalize on our assets freeing ourselves to create.

I often get myself in awkward situations because my first way of thinking of information is in pictures. I will be in a conversation and will giggle before I can stop myself. Of course then I have rudely interrupted the conversation. Then I have to explain that I “saw” the person in a converted cartoon in my head using the information they just shared. In positive modes the people just laugh with me and we go on. In others, I just explain that I am both right and left brained with a “war” always going on in my mind so please just excuse me.

The cat does not concern itself with these things!

Posted in Reflections.